Windows Into The World

When I was young I often felt that my world was very small. There was so much to see and do, but I would never have the opportunity to know. In those times, I would go looking for a window into the world. I would go to the library.
The library is an equalizer. I doesn’t matter how rich or poor you are. Or how well educated you are. Or what you want to learn about. The doors of the library are open to you. With a simple card, all the Windows Into the world are open to you.
There are people who feel that technology is making libraries obsolete. I disagree. As much as technology gives, it sets behind a pay wall. Without internet service in the home, students with financial or geographical challenges don’t have access to technology. And much knowledge is behind a pay wall.
More than the physical challenges, there is an important component in the library that makes it essential.
The Librarian.
The librarian helps people find the correct question to ask, to find the answer they need. They help people connect with authors they may not find on their own. They encourage people to learn more.
The librarian has sailed the seven seas; yet never been on a boat. They have climbed Everest, but never seen the mountain. They can tell you the nuances of French cuisine, yet never been to France. They have opened the windows and seen the world, and are eager to share what they learned.
When someone says libraries are unnecessary, ask when the last time was that they went to the library and saw all that was happening there. Even with Covid restrictions, libraries kept people connected.
Thank you to the librarians in my life. You made me want to see the world, and I am.

By Laura

Laura S. Tarasoff is poet, writer, explorer, and believer in people. Laura lives on Whidbey Island, Washington. Whenever she can she walks the beach looking for agates, hoping for whale sightings, or takes on the splendor of the eagles and hawks filling the prairie sky. She enjoys a terrific burger, a rolling laugh, and getting to know people.Laura hopes that her words will bring hope and encouragement to get through the hardest parts of life.

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