
December hosts a lot of events, including the one I am attempting to participate in. Every day leading up to Christmas, a blog is posted. I suppose it’s an Advent of sorts. You open the page and something is revealed.


Finding some to write about is tough some days. Days, like today, the ideas are not always there. So, I find myself blabbering on about something or other, at 11 p.m. to fill the space before a new day rolls around. And there it is, today’s thought. I have no good reason for not sitting down earlier and writing. I simply didn’t. But I am dedicated to this event, so I didn’t skip the day. This serves to show that dedication to participation is not the same as dedication to the work. If I wanted a top notch, quality product, I wouldn’t wait until the 11th hour. 

What are you pledging dedication to, but not truly giving your best work to? Let’s move together to not just show up, but rise up to a better standard.

Tomorrow is another day to meet that goal. I’ll see you then.


By Laura

Laura S. Tarasoff is poet, writer, explorer, and believer in people. Laura lives on Whidbey Island, Washington. Whenever she can she walks the beach looking for agates, hoping for whale sightings, or takes on the splendor of the eagles and hawks filling the prairie sky. She enjoys a terrific burger, a rolling laugh, and getting to know people.Laura hopes that her words will bring hope and encouragement to get through the hardest parts of life.

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